Who are we?

TomKeen is a collaborative platform of highly skilled professionals eager to help your digital project, share their experience or advice on decisions.

TomKeen was created by Stéphane B. Bazan and Marc Tabet in July 2018.

Stéphane B. BAZAN

Founder & Head of Empowerment

For more than 25 years, Stéphane has worked at the heart of digital transformation for organizations (SMEs, corporate, universities & public institutions), conceiving and deploying user-centric strategies (presence, marketing, communication, media,…) with a clear focus on the knowledge & data acquisition process.

Stéphane was Head of E-Learning and Educational Technologies at Saint-Joseph University (Beirut, Lebanon) before he joined the Keeward Group in 2014. After 4 years as Head of Knowledge & Empowerment, he created TomKeen to empower digital projects in Lebanon, UAE and France.

He owns a Bachelor in Political Science and a Master Degree in Information Sciences fron Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po), Paris, France.